Daily ozone pollution with meteorlogical and date inputsbestglm::Detroit
Detroit homicide data for 1961-73 used in the book Subset Regression by A.J. Millerbestglm::Fires
Forest fires in Montesinho natural park. Standardized inputs.bestglm::Iowa
Iowa School Testbestglm::MontesinhoFires
Forest fires in Montesinho natural parkbestglm::SAheart
South African Hearth Disease Databestglm::Shao
Simulated Regression Databestglm::hivif
Simulated Linear Regression (Train) with Nine Highly Correlated Inputsbestglm::manpower
Hospital manpower databestglm::mcdonald
Pollution dataset from McDonald and Schwing (1973)bestglm::rubber
Abrasion loss for various hardness and tensile strengthbestglm::znuclear
Nuclear plant data. Quantitative inputs logged and standardized.bestglm::zprostate
Prostate cancer data. Standardized.